Using belongs_to in both Parent Controller and Child Controller does not work

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I have a a scenario where I had to use belongs_to association in a Parent Controller as well as Child Controller. In this scenario, the helpers like collection_url are generating wrong and I get undefined method....

Below is my scenario..

class ProjectController < InheritedResources::Base
class JavaProjectController < ProjectController

class TaskController < InheritedResources::Base
  belongs_to :project

class JavaTaskController < TaskController
  belongs_to :java_project

In this above scenario, when I tried to generate <%= collection_url %> inside my view under JavaTaskController, I get the following error :

NoMethodError ... java_project_java_project_java_tasks_url

If the collection_url is called in the context of TaskController, everything works fine. However, if I comment out the belongs_to association in the TaskController, now the collection_url works fine when running in the context of JavaTaskController.

What am I missing? Is this a bug or limitation? Or Am I doing something silly?

Any help in this regard would be very much appreciated.


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