Using azure maps fuzzy search returns duplicate results

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I'm building a smart search that will be used to lookup the Town/City of the user using Azure Maps Address Fuzzy Search API.

For some reason I'm getting duplicate results where the Municipality and MunicipalitySubdivision are reversed:

enter image description here

enter image description here

This is when using the following:<<KEY_HERE>>&api-version=1.0&query=Walsall%20Birmingham&typeahead=false&limit=50&countrySet=gb&idxSet=GEO

I'm interested in storing the following: Country Municipality MunicipalitySubdivision Latitude Longitude

I don't want to display street level data, purely GEO (town, city etc).

Is there a setting which I'm missing for the fuzzy search, or would I be better off using one of the other search services?


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