I downloaded dns_sd jar from here http://www.java2s.com/Code/Jar/d/Downloaddnssdjar.htm and trying to use it in my android project to discover services.
I use the DNSSD.browse(myService, myBrowseListener) to discover services.
The problem is I keep getting
com.apple.dnssd.AppleDNSSDException: DNS-SD Error -65563: SERVICENOTRUNNING
Heard that mdnsd daemon is not always running on android. How do I start it or what is the workaround?
Note: I do not want to use any other library like jmdns, mdnsjava, waiter, etc...
There's actually no need to use Apple's mDNS service because Android Network Service Discovery (available in 4.1) is fully compatible with it. I know you said you do not want to use another library but you must because there is no way to start the Apple mDNS daemon on Android.