Using and configuring the Rally Git Connector with Atlassian stash

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I'm trying to set up the Rally Git Connector with Stash. Part of this is to create a config file for rally and git.

Sample config:


# The content of the file below should follow YAML specifications
# Non standard characters should be enclosed with double quotations
# RepositoryBase is an exception and cannot be enclosed with double quotations
# Therefore the RepositoryBase cannot contain special characters.
    Server              : ""        # required
    Protocol            : https                       # required, https or (http only for On Premise)
    Username            : "user"          # required
    Password            : "password"               # required, is encoded after first use
    Workspace           : "workspace."          # required, name of Rally Workspace
    RepositoryName      : "GitSCM"                  # required, name of Rally SCMRepository
#   Proxy               : "server:port"               # optional
#   ProxyUser           : "Proxy User"                # optional, use when Proxy is an authenticating proxy
#   ProxyPassword       : "Proxy Password"            # optional, use when Proxy is an authenticating proxy
    Lookback            : 90                          # optional (in minutes), defaults to 60 minutes
    UpdateArtifactState : False                       # False is the default value
    StateExtractorClass : BasicActionsAndArtifactsExtractor(message)  # only used if above is True
    Debug               : False                       # defaults to False, to enable, specify a value of True

#   Server              : serverurl # optional, but if set connector runner user must authenticate using PKI
    RepositoryBase      : [I DONT KNOW] # required, filesystem path to git repository
    Lookback            : 90                          # in minutes, optional (defaults to 120 minutes)
    MaxItems            : 100                         # required, max items processed in a run
#   RevURI              : "http://git/giturial/bigproject/rev/{revnumber}"             # optional, if running web access to repo
#   FileURI             : "http://git/giturial/bigproject/file/{revnumber}/{filepath}" # optional, if running web access

    Preview             : True                        # optional; when True, show what would happen
    LogLevel            : Debug                       # optional; default value is Info
#   PostBatchExtension  : MetricsPoster               # for future use

Transforms:                                           # Listing a Transform is Required
    Author              : Passthru                    # Required defaults to Passthru
#   Author              : Blank
#   Author              : EmailAddressAsRallyUser
#   Author              : FileBasedUserNameLookup(user_map.txt, ":")
#   Author              : RallyUserNameLookup(FirstName, LastName)
#   Author              : UserNameDomainAugmentLookup(DomainName)
#   Author              : UserLookupChainGang(FirstName, LastName, user_map.txt, ":")

The Rally section settings I have correct.

The Git section however - I need to add the git RepositoryBase into the config yml file.

I'm not so sure on this part as we are using Atlassian Stash. Where does Stash store this information?

(Everything I'm doing is on the box that stash and the connector is installed onto)


There are 3 answers

JPKole On
Justin Crowe On

Rally Support say that this isn't currently possible with stash data:

Thank you for contacting Rally Customer Support. I am afraid that Git Stash is not supported since it makes some customizations on repositories which differ from what the connector expects to see.

Our Integrations team has a story in their backlog to develop a connector for Git-Stash specifically. As of right now, this story has not been scheduled nor prioritized, so I cannot specify a time frame on when you should expect this code to be available.

I will be associating your case with the story so you will be notified when it has been developed.

The short term workaround would be to use the Git-VCS connector against a compatible clone of the Git-Stash repository.

So i'll need to clone repos from stash and then set up the connectors to point at those clones repos rather than using stash data directly.

Rog On

It looks like the Rally connector requires direct filesystem access and doesn't work with HTTP or SSH based Git hosting, which is what Stash (and frankly, most other tools) offer. You could try pointing the connector to directories inside of Stash, but I have no idea what havoc that might wreak.

There are some alternatives available: