Using an F# ViewModel as designinstance in blend

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I have some viewmodels that I've created in F# and would like to use them for designtime data within Blend but I can't figure out how to get this to work.

I have a simple xaml file with some bindings setup as follows:

    d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance Type=SampleData:EntrySampleVm, d:IsDesignTimeCreatable=True}">

Where EntrySampleVm is defined as follows:

  public class EntrySampleVm : ViewModels.EntryVm
    public EntrySampleVm()
      Distance = 26.2;
      Time = new TimeSpan(3, 30, 25);
      Pace = 4.0;
      Speed = 16.5;

ViewModels.EntryVm is my F# ViewModel class.

Unfortunately I get an error in the designer:

EntrySampleVm does not exist in this namespace

I have a similar looking C# class defined in the same namespace as follows:

  public class Test 
    public Test()
      Distance = 26.2;
      Time = new TimeSpan(3, 30, 25);
      Pace = 4.0;
      Speed = 16.5;

    public TimeSpan Time { get; set; }
    public double Distance { get; set; }
    public double Pace { get; set; }
    public double Speed { get; set; }

If I then set the DataContext as follows:

d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance Type=SampleData:Test, d:IsDesignTimeCreatable=True}">

Then it all works as expected so it's definitely the case of using the F# ViewModel.

Is there a way of getting this to work? I don't really like the ServiceLocator approach and because I'm creating a Windows Phone project I don't have access to the x:Static and x:Type extensions.

I'm using Blend Version: 12.0.51020.0 Update 4 VS2013: 12.0.31101.00 Update 4

Thanks for any help


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