Using a session.get variable in Publish/Subscribe

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I'm trying to display a filterable database of clients that only loads the content required. I've got two variables (selected from dropdowns) that set two sessions (country_plugin and vertical_plugin). I then want to display the content that meets those requirements.

The code below works perfectly if you're not worried about autopublish, but I have no idea how to achieve the same with pub/sub.

So, in short, how can I use session.get and if statements here?

filteredclients: function () {
            var clientVerticalPicked = Session.get('vertical_plugin');
        var clientCountryPicked = Session.get('country_plugin');
            if (Session.get("country_plugin") === "none"){
                    return Clients.find({dealVerticalLink: clientVerticalPicked}, {sort: {dealMRR: -1}, limit:10});
            } else if (Session.get("vertical_plugin") === "none"){
                    return Clients.find({dealCountry: clientCountryPicked}, {sort: {dealMRR: -1}, limit:10});
            } else {
                    return Clients.find({$and:[{dealVerticalLink: clientVerticalPicked},{dealCountry: clientCountryPicked}]}, {sort: {dealMRR: -1}, limit:10});

There are 1 answers

Michael Paddock On

Session variables are only defined on the client, so you won't be able to access them from within the publish function. You can do your subscribe in a Tracker.autorun on the client, and pass the Session variables into the publish function:

Tracker.autorun(function() {
    Meteor.subscribe('filteredclients', Session.get('vertical_plugin'), Session.get('country_plugin'))

And on the server:

Meteor.publish('filteredclients', function(vertical_plugin, country_plugin) {
    if(country_plugin === "none") { return ... }

etc. Then your Clients.find() on the client should only contain the records you want.