I've been using a bitmask in a current project for keeping track of user roles, but now have a situation where I need to be able to do a find for all users who are a certain role.
I have my roles set-up like so:
ROLES = %w[admin editor moderator contributor]
def roles
ROLES.reject do |r|
((roles_mask || 0) & 2**ROLES.index(r)).zero?
def roles=(roles)
self.roles_mask = (roles & ROLES).map { |r| 2**ROLES.index(r) }.sum
def role_symbols
I can find all users with exactly the same bit map, but not sure how to extract one particular role, in this case all users which have the roles "editor".
On http://railscasts.com/episodes/189-embedded-association, Ryan Bates provides a scope to search:
You'll find examples there.