Userena group based categorization on signup/registration

67 views Asked by At

I would like to separate users into two different groups, sellers or buyers, at signup. I'm using django-userena and for the authentication and registration of users. I'm thinking of using a clone of the same signup view except with a different url tied to it.

So whoever signs up at url(r'^account/signup/seller/$) linked to a seller signup button will be added to the seller group and whoever signs up at url(r'^account/signup/$) linked to a buyer signup button will be added to the buyer group.

Note: I will be using this grouping to grant access to view functions in another django app in my project via signals/decorators.

in my accounts/ file, I have:

class SellerSignupFormExtra(SignupForm): 
    def save(self): 
    new_user = super(SignupFormExtra, self).save()
    return new_user

and I added this to accounts/ file

url(r'^accounts/signup/seller$', 'userena_views.signup', {'signup_form': SellerSignupFormExtra}),

So my question is that can I add the other users that click the buyer signup button by doing the same thing I did for sellers above or is their a better way to achieve this so that I remain DRY.


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