I'm having a small issue with my permissions in my Django template.
I'm trying to, based on permissions, show an icon in the menu bar for my project. I want to have it so that if the user has the permissions to add a new follow-up to the project, they can see the icon, if they don't have that permission, then do not display the link.
My permission syntax is follow.add_followup
, which I got from printing user.get_all_permissions()
I have tried this code in my template:
{% if user.has_perm('followup.add_followup') %}
<li><a href="{% url followup-new p.id %}">Log</a></li>
{% endif %}
But when I display the template, I am presented with this error:
TemplateSyntaxError at /project/232/view/
Could not parse the remainder: '(followup.add_followup)' from 'user.has_perm(followup.add_followup)'
Any thoughts? This has been giving me a headache! :)
This kind of complex decision-making goes in the view functions.
Or it goes into the context which is then presented to the template.
When to use context processor
Do this in your view
Then your template is simply