I have a set of soil moisture data files from 1953 to 2014. All of them are of the form cpc_soil_YYYY.nc (where YYYY is one of those years). Is there a way for me to ask for user input of which year the user would like to view, and have my program open the corresponding function? I currently have it where I must manually change the year within gedit, and wrote functions to grab each variable (soil moisture as a function of time, lat, lon):
import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
import numpy.ma as ma
import csv as csv
def read_var(ncfile, varname):
fid=nc.Dataset(ncfile, 'r')
return out
time=read_var(ncf, 'time')
lat=read_var(ncf, 'lat')
lon=read_var(ncf, 'lon')
soil=read_var(ncf, 'soilw')
You can use
to ask user to enter the year. Then you can use that to generate the filepath.You should do error checking to make sure the user entered value is actually a year and falls within the range of your data.
You can read more on input/output in Python here.