User defined procedure timeout

55 views Asked by At

How can I implement a timeout mechanism for my neo4j user-defined procedure?

My code is simply this.

@Procedure(value = "nameOfMyProcedure", mode = Mode.WRITE)
@Description("finds the minimal sub-graph from given nodes")
public Stream<Output> nameOfMyProcedure(@Name("p1") Long p1, @Name("p2") Long p2, ...) {
    // there are some codes here. I want to make a timeout mechanism for codes inside here

I tried using java.util.concurrent.Callable and java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService

AdvancedQuery that = this;
Callable<Output> receiveResponse = () -> {
    // put all the codes inside this callable
    return output;

ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
Future<Output> future = executor.submit(receiveResponse);
Output result = null;
try {
    result = future.get(10000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);"Completed successfully");
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {"unexpected error: ", e.getMessage());
} catch (TimeoutException e) {"Timed out. Cancelling the runnable...");

if (result == null) {
    return Stream.of(new Output());
return Stream.of(result);

I get this ExecutionException

org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.ThreadToStatementContextBridge$BridgeNotInTransactionException: The requested operation cannot be performed, because it has to be performed in a transaction. Ensure you are wrapping your operation in the appropriate transaction boilerplate and try again.


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