user-defined exceptions with enumeration "error level"

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I have made some user-defined exceptions and I would like to add an error level to each exception. forexample userInputerror, and internalError. The reason I'm coding this, is because I want to learn about exceptions so that's why I am reinventing the wheel instead of using log4net.

My code looks like this.

I have a class called MyException:

namespace ExceptionHandling
    public class MyException : ApplicationException
        public MyException(string message)
            : base(message)


        public MyException(string message, Exception innerException)
            : base(message, innerException)


One of my exceptions is an IntParseException, this class looks like this:

namespace ExceptionTester
    class IntParseException : MyException
    string dataToParse;

    public IntParseException(string dataToParse)
        : base(" [ERROR] Could not parse " + dataToParse + " to int")
        this.dataToParse = dataToParse;


    public IntParseException(string dataToParse, Exception innerexception) 
        : base(" [ERROR] Could not parse " + dataToParse + " to int", innerexception)
        this.dataToParse = dataToParse;           


In my mainform, I am handling my exception like this:

    private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new IntParseException(txtNumber.Text, ex);
        catch (Exception ex)
            LogWriter lw = new LogWriter(ex.Source, ex.TargetSite.ToString(), ex.Message);
            MessageBox.Show("Please enter a number");                          

I'm logging my exceptions and that class looks liked this:

namespace ExceptionTester
    class LogWriter
        public LogWriter(string exSource, string exTargetSite, string exMessage)
            StreamWriter SW;
            SW = File.AppendText(@"logfile.txt");
            string timeStamp = "[" + DateTime.Now + "] ";
            string source = "An error occured in the application ";
            string targetSite = ", while executing the method: ";
            SW.WriteLine(timeStamp + source + exSource + targetSite +exTargetSite + exMessage);


So my question is, how do I add an enum type to my exceptions which would make it possible for me to chose which kinds of exceptions I want to log. forexample, at somepoint I would like to log all exceptions but at another time I only want to log userInputErrors.


There are 3 answers


I suggest creating a new base exception class inheriting from Application Exception, which include the enum:s

public enum ErrorLevel { UserInputError, DatabaseError, OtherError... };

public class BaseException : ApplicationException {
  protected ErrorLevel _errorLevel;

Derive all your exception from this base class, and assign the level as needed - maybe in the constructors, or using a parameter passed from the app.

Didaxis On

If you're just trying to log certain exceptions, why not just make that decision based on what type of exception is thrown, and forego this reinvention of the wheel as you call it?

    // do stuff that might throw exception
catch(ExceptionType1 ex1)
    // Ignore
catch(ExceptionType2 ex2)
    // Log

However, it would be trivial to add an enum to your custom exception, though I DO NOT CONDONE THIS HORSE HOCKEY!

enum ExceptionLevel
    One, Two, Three

class MyException : ApplicationException
    ExceptionLevel ExceptionLevel;
John Saunders On

BTW, Microsoft no longer recommends that you derive from ApplicationException. Derive directly from Exception, instead.

Also, in your logging, be certain to log the entire exception. Use ex.ToString(), not ex.Message, etc. This will guarantee you see everything the exception class wants you to see, including all inner exceptions.