Use @Timed for inheritanced functions

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We use a abstract classes for services like this pseudocode

abstract class AbstractApiService {
    @Timed(value="get", useClassPrefix=true)
    def get(Long id) {
       ... returns sth ....

    @Timed(value="create", useClassPrefix=true)
    def create(Map params) {
        ... returns sth ....

There are beans which inherit AbstractApiService and serve features like creating, deleting, updating entities like

class UserAccountService extends AbstractApiService {
    ... code ....

I would like to get metrics for each call a function from child classes like UserAccountService, but Prometheus sends events with full parent class prefix.

App is based on Grails 3.3.8


compile 'com.moelholm:prometheus-spring-boot-starter:1.0.2' 
compile 'io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-core:4.0.0-alpha2'
compile 'io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-jvm:4.0.0-alpha2' 
compile 'org.grails.plugins:dropwizard-metrics:1.0.0.M2'

There are 2 answers

Werd On

Unfortunately, I believe you will have to define the @Timed annotation for each method you want tracked. I don't think that the annotation code will spin up a separate metric for each concrete class.

Michał Mazur On