Use SASS to generate CSS for Windows Store App Project?

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I'm currently planning a new Windows Store App and wondered whether it would be at all possible to use SASS to help streamline some of the CSS development by utilising features such as mixins and variables etc.

I'm currently using Web Essentials to compile the SASS for web projects and wondered whether I could leverage its abilities on the app side of things.

What I've tried:

On the off-chance that it might work... I've tried adding an SCSS file to the universal app using Add > New Item... but the option doesn't exist (which doesn't bode well). I tried renaming an existing CSS file's extension to .SCSS. However, when saving the SCSS file, VS2013 explodes in a cacophony of popups suggesting that I tell Microsoft about the problem and then restart - which isn't really the result I'm after.


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