Use Rhino Service Bus on ASP.NET website with Ninject

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I will like to add Rhino Service Bus to my ASP.NET web application but using Ninject as the DI Container. So far all examples I keep seeing use Castle Windsor which I don't want to use since we already use Ninject.

Are there any tutorials out there which show how to add Rhino Service Bus to an ASP.NET web application without a direct dependency on Castle Windsor (e.g. using Ninject)?


There are 2 answers

Mauricio Scheffer On BEST ANSWER

Basically, you'd have to start by rewriting RhinoServiceBusFacility / AbstractRhinoServiceBusFacility as a Ninject module. Then there are also Castle references in other files, e.g. DefaultServiceBus has references to IKernel which should be changed to use Ninject's kernel instead.

Marijn On

Nowadays, Rhino Service Bus (RSB) does not directly depend on Castle. Modules are available for integration with Autofac,, Unity, StructureMap and of course Castle.

Ninject isn't supported yet; you can use the Castle implementation as a reference implementation.