Use retryPolicy with python GRPC client

5.8k views Asked by At

I have tried really hard to use the embed retryPolicy of GRPC documentation ( but i fail to understand where i should setup the config in my code.
Ideally i would like the python client to specify its retry policy but i am also interested to understand how to manage it from the server side.

After some digging, i came up with this snipped but it does not work.

import json
from grpc import insecure_channel

service_default_config = {
    # see
    "retryPolicy": {
        "maxAttempts": 5,
        "initialBackoff": "1s",
        "maxBackoff": "10s",
        "backoffMultiplier": 2,
        "retryableStatusCodes": [
service_default_config = json.dumps(service_default_config)

options = [
    ('grpc.service_config', service_default_config)

insecure_channel(hostname, options=options)

Can anyone point me out the relevant documentation for me to understand how this works or explain to me what i misunderstand ?


There are 1 answers

Emil Hansen On

I had the same problem with the syntax of the config.

I found this.

In short, the retryPolicy has to be specified as part of a methodConfig which describes how to handle calls to a specific service:

import json
import grpc

json_config = json.dumps(
        "methodConfig": [
                "name": [{"service": "<package>.<service>"}],
                "retryPolicy": {
                    "maxAttempts": 5,
                    "initialBackoff": "0.1s",
                    "maxBackoff": "10s",
                    "backoffMultiplier": 2,
                    "retryableStatusCodes": ["UNAVAILABLE"],

address = 'localhost:50051'

channel = grpc.insecure_channel(address, options=[("grpc.service_config", json_config)])

where <package> and <service> are defined in your proto file.