I want to run inference in C++ using a yolo3 model I trained with pytorch. I am unable to make the conversions using tracing and scripting provided by pytorch. I have this error during conversion
First diverging operator:
Node diff:
- %2 : __torch__.torch.nn.modules.container.ModuleList = prim::GetAttr[name="module_list"](%self.1)
+ %2 : __torch__.torch.nn.modules.container.___torch_mangle_139.ModuleList = prim::GetAttr[name="module_list"](%self.1)
? ++++++++++++++++++++
ERROR: Tensor-valued Constant nodes differed in value across invocations. This often indicates that the tracer has encountered untraceable code.
%358 : Tensor = prim::Constant[value=<Tensor>](), scope: __module.module_list.16.yolo_16