I'm trying to use OUnit with OCaml.
The unit code source (unit.ml) is as follows:
open OUnit
let empty_list = []
let list_a = [1;2;3]
let test_list_length _ =
assert_equal 1 (List.length empty_list);
assert_equal 3 (List.length list_a)
(* etc, etc *)
let test_list_append _ =
let list_b = List.append empty_list [1;2;3] in
assert_equal list_b list_a
let suite = "OUnit Example" >::: ["test_list_length" >:: test_list_length;
"test_list_append" >:: test_list_append]
let _ =
run_test_tt_main suite
With ocamlc unit.ml
, I got an error message Error: Unbound module OUnit
. Why is this? How can I use the OUnit in OCaml. I installed OUnit with opam
You should use for example:
is an utility that encapsulates lookup of installed libraries. You can also avoid composing compiler-invocation yourself and use a build tool.