Reading book "Let Over Lambda" by Doug Hoyte, I found the following description of #.
sign, a.k.a. read-macro:
A basic read macro that comes built in with COMMON LISP is the #. read-time eval macro. This read macro lets you embed objects into the forms you read that can't be serialised, but can be created with a bit of lisp code.
It's from Chapter 4, most part of the book can be found here:
This is example from the book that shows how the same expression may be read differently every time:
* '(football-game
#.(if (zerop (random 2)) 'heads 'tails)))
* '(football-game
#.(if (zerop (random 2)) 'heads 'tails)))
Next, author demonstrates some hardcore tricks, creating variations with #
So, it turns out that #'
is also some kind of reading macro, and it's usually used before symbols that represent names of functions. But is it necessary, and what's exactly his job there?
I can put symbol for higher-order functions with #'
or without it:
CL-USER> (defun test nil t)
CL-USER> (funcall #'test)
CL-USER> (funcall 'test)
with the same success.
You can call global definitions of functions both ways:
But see this:
(funcall 'foo)
looks up the function from the symbol.(funcall #'foo)
calls the function from the lexical environment. If there is none the global definition is used.#'foo
is a shorthand notation for(function foo)