use nexus-prisma without prisma client

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I am planning on using prisma for building the database and migrations, I am not going to use prisma client as there are some limitations I am hitting since prisma does not use native joins. I also want to use nexus prisma to auto generate types for my graphql api. However, I see that each time I do npx prisma generate, prisma client is also auto generated. I am using google cloud to deploy my project and plan to use cloudbuild.yml with one of the steps being to apply prisma migrations and compile ts to js.

I want to get rid of the extra prisma stuff that I do not need but I am not sure to go about it. Would I copy nexus-prisma in node_modules to my final build? Run npm remove ...?

I have tried the following:

Uninstalled @prisma/client but nexus-prisma depends on it.

removed generate client from schema.prisma but got an error that nexus-prisma relies on generate client


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