How do I make WKWebview use local .js, .css and/or local image files, in place of remote files, in order to make the web page load faster. Also, I noticed NSURLProtocol methods (when implemented through register class) do not get called when WKNavigationDelegate methods are implemented, any idea on why?
Use local resources in WKWebview
1.6k views Asked by Krishnan Sriram At
There are 2 answers
In iOS 9 API there is a new method for loading local resource
/*! @abstract Navigates to the requested file URL on the filesystem. @param URL The file URL to which to navigate. @param readAccessURL The URL to allow read access to. @discussion If readAccessURL references a single file, only that file may be loaded by WebKit. If readAccessURL references a directory, files inside that file may be loaded by WebKit. @result A new navigation for the given file URL. */
@available(iOS 9.0, *)
func loadFileURL(URL: NSURL, allowingReadAccessToURL readAccessURL: NSURL) -> WKNavigation?
After going through a lot of documentation, I realized/learnt that I'll not be able to track URLs if I use WKWebviews. I have to resort to UIWebView for the moment.