Here's a snippet from my Jenkinsfile I use to create a dynamic pod
agent {
kubernetes {
label "hello-stage"
cloud "some-cloud"
defaultContainer "jnlp"
idleMinutes 1
containerTemplate {
name 'jnlp'
image 'some-image'
alwaysPullImage true
ttyEnabled true
resourceRequestMemory '1Gi'
resourceLimitMemory '2Gi'
imagePullSecrets '["secret-name"]'
} // kubernetes
} // agent
Everything works except for the imagePullSecrets
. I tried finding documentation with no luck. I'm new to using Jenkins with Kubernetes. Here's the error I get
WorkflowScript: 23: Invalid config option "imagePullSecrets" for agent type "kubernetes". Valid config options are [activeDeadlineSeconds, cloud, containerTemplate, containerTemplates, customWorkspace, defaultContainer, idleMinutes, inheritFrom, instanceCap, label, namespace, nodeSelector, podRetention, serviceAccount, slaveConnectTimeout, supplementalGroups, workingDir, yaml, yamlFile, yamlMergeStrategy] @ line 23, column 13.
imagePullSecrets '["quay-operator-updates"]'
Could someone please help me figure out how to use imagePullSecrets with Jenkins declarative pipeline?
is now deprecated as mentioned hereUse the yaml syntax to pass the
as follows :