I use flask in windows 10. I want to use HTTPS for the protocol. However, I use flask+asyncio so could not use "ssl=..." method. How could I achieve HTTPS in my case?
import hypercorn.asyncio
from app import app, client, telegram_handler
# must import telegram_handler script here to separate bot session and client from celery
async def main():
# for event in telegram_handler.bot.list_event_handlers():
# print(event)
# await telegram_handler.bot.catch_up() # doesn't work due to telethon lib issue.
await hypercorn.asyncio.serve(app, hypercorn.Config()) # this throw Exception when press Ctrl-C
# By default, `Quart.run` uses `asyncio.run()`, which creates a new asyncio
# event loop. If we create the `TelegramClient` before, `telethon` will
# use `asyncio.get_event_loop()`, which is the implicit loop in the main
# thread. These two loops are different, and it won't work.
# So, we have to manually pass the same `loop` to both applications to
# make 100% sure it works and to avoid headaches.
# To run Quart inside `async def`, we must use `hypercorn.asyncio.serve()`
# directly.
# This example creates a global client outside of Quart handlers.
# If you create the client inside the handlers (common case), you
# won't have to worry about any of this, but it's still good to be
# explicit about the event loop.
if __name__ == '__main__':
# client.add_event_handler(handler)
# must start so that it can add event handler
# print("Start client...")
# must connect before it can start, so on initial run this will hang because cannot get OTP
# client.start()
# print("Client started!")
Thia is my hypercorn config class:
class Config:
_bind = [""]
_insecure_bind: List[str] = []
_quic_bind: List[str] = []
_quic_addresses: List[Tuple] = []
_log: Optional[Logger] = None
access_log_format = '%(h)s %(l)s %(l)s %(t)s "%(r)s" %(s)s %(b)s "%(f)s" "%(a)s"'
accesslog: Union[logging.Logger, str, None] = None
alpn_protocols = ["h2", "http/1.1"]
alt_svc_headers: List[str] = []
application_path: str
backlog = 100
ca_certs: Optional[str] = None
certfile: Optional[str] = None
ciphers: str = "ECDHE+AESGCM"
debug = False
dogstatsd_tags = ""
errorlog: Union[logging.Logger, str, None] = "-"
graceful_timeout: float = 3 * SECONDS
group: Optional[int] = None
h11_max_incomplete_size = 16 * 1024 * BYTES
h2_max_concurrent_streams = 100
h2_max_header_list_size = 2 ** 16
h2_max_inbound_frame_size = 2 ** 14 * OCTETS
include_server_header = True
keep_alive_timeout = 5 * SECONDS
keyfile: Optional[str] = None
Optional[str] = None
logconfig_dict: Optional[dict] = None
logger_class = Logger
loglevel: str = "INFO"
max_app_queue_size: int = 10
pid_path: Optional[str] = None
root_path = ""
server_names: List[str] = []
shutdown_timeout = 60 * SECONDS
ssl_handshake_timeout = 60 * SECONDS
startup_timeout = 60 * SECONDS
statsd_host: Optional[str] = None
statsd_prefix = ""
umask: Optional[int] = None
use_reloader = False
user: Optional[int] = None
verify_flags: Optional[VerifyFlags] = None
verify_mode: Optional[VerifyMode] = None
websocket_max_message_size = 16 * 1024 * 1024 * BYTES
websocket_ping_interval: Optional[int] = None
worker_class = "asyncio"
workers = 1
How could I get the certificate files for HTTPS?
Where could I generate these kind of certificate files for HTTPS?
The Hypercorn Config object has
attributes that when set to paths that point to the relevant certificate files will be used to serve HTTPS.