Is it possible to call a script from the command prompt in windows (or bash in linux) to open Maya and then subsequently run a custom script (possibly changing each time its run) inside Maya? I am searching for something a bit more elegant than changing the userSetup file and then running Maya.
The goal here is to be able to open a .mb file, run a script to position the scene inside, setup a generic set of lights and then render the scene to a specific place and file type. I want to be able to set this up as a scheduled task to check for any new scene files in a directory and then open maya and go.
Thanks for the help!
For something like this you can use Maya standalone instead of the full blown UI mode. It is faster. It is ideal for batch scheduled jobs like these. Maya standalone is just Maya running without the GUI. Once you have initialized your Maya standalone, you can import and call any scripts you want, as part of the original calling script. To start you off here is an example: (Feel free to use this as a reference/modify it to meet your needs)
In your script you first initialize Maya standalone.
That will get Maya running. Now we open and/or import all the files necessary (egs. lights, models etc.)
Now we save this file out and call Maya Batch renderer to render it out
That's it! Of Course, your script will have to be run using Maya's Python interpreter (Mayapy).
Do check out the docs for all the commands used for more options, esp.: cmds.file() cmds.viewFit() cmds.loadPlugin() Subprocess and Popen
PLUS, because of the awesomeness of Python, you can use modules like
(docs) to schedule the running of this method in your Python code.Hope this was useful. Have fun with this. Cheers.