Use C# BCD WMI Provider to SafeBoot Windows

1.7k views Asked by At

I have scoured the web looking for solutions on how to SafeBoot into Windows using only C#. Since Vista and above, safe booting is controlled using BCD. Ofcourse you could use the commandline tool "bcdedit":

bcdedit /set {current} safeboot Minimal

However I do not want to use this approach. So my question is:

How do I reboot into safe mode using only C#?

I have already looked at this SO post, which has got me started. But I'm still missing pieces to this puzzle.

Any help is greatly appreciated. =)

BCD WMI Provider Reference is of little help.


There are 1 answers


I wrote up the following code in C# that should allow you to set the safeboot value and delete that value:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Management;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace EditBcdStore
    public class BcdStoreAccessor
        public const int BcdOSLoaderInteger_SafeBoot = 0x25000080;

        public enum BcdLibrary_SafeBoot
            SafemodeMinimal = 0,
            SafemodeNetwork = 1,
            SafemodeDsRepair = 2

        private ConnectionOptions connectionOptions;
        private ManagementScope managementScope;
        private ManagementPath managementPath;

        public BcdStoreAccessor()
            connectionOptions = new ConnectionOptions();
            connectionOptions.Impersonation = ImpersonationLevel.Impersonate;
            connectionOptions.EnablePrivileges = true;

            managementScope = new ManagementScope("root\\WMI", connectionOptions);

            managementPath = new ManagementPath("root\\WMI:BcdObject.Id=\"{fa926493-6f1c-4193-a414-58f0b2456d1e}\",StoreFilePath=\"\"");

        public void SetSafeboot()
            ManagementObject currentBootloader = new ManagementObject(managementScope, managementPath, null);
            currentBootloader.InvokeMethod("SetIntegerElement", new object[] { BcdOSLoaderInteger_SafeBoot, BcdLibrary_SafeBoot.SafemodeMinimal });

        public void RemoveSafeboot()
            ManagementObject currentBootloader = new ManagementObject(managementScope, managementPath, null);
            currentBootloader.InvokeMethod("DeleteElement", new object[] { BcdOSLoaderInteger_SafeBoot });

I tested this on my Surface Pro and it seemed to work, as can be verified by running:

bcdedit /enum {current} /v


The code above is just for setting or removing the value that allows you to safeboot.

After this has been performed, a reboot is required, which can also be accomplished using WMI as is shown here:

WMI to reboot remote machine

The answer shows an example for performing this locally or remotely.

Big thanks to Helen and L-Williams.