I'm using an abstract class from a third party library (FastEndpoints). I want to override some of the functions which I did but the main function to generate tokens should be the same.
Currently my service looks like this, I override the persistTokenAsync, RefreshRequestValidationAsync and SetRenewalPrivilegesAsync.
public class UserTokenService : RefreshTokenService<TokenRequest, AuthTokenResponse>
private readonly UserContext _dbContext;
public UserTokenService(IConfiguration config, UserContext context)
_dbContext = context;
Setup(x =>
x.TokenSigningKey = config["JWTSigningKey"];
x.AccessTokenValidity = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);
x.RefreshTokenValidity = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);
x.Endpoint("/user/auth/refresh-token", ep =>
ep.Summary(s => s.Description = "this is the refresh token endpoint");
public override Task PersistTokenAsync(AuthTokenResponse rsp)
return StoreToken(rsp.UserId, rsp.RefreshExpiry, rsp.RefreshToken);
public override async Task RefreshRequestValidationAsync(TokenRequest req)
if (!await TokenIsValid(req.UserId, req.RefreshToken))
AddError("The refresh token is not valid!");
public override async Task SetRenewalPrivilegesAsync(TokenRequest request, UserPrivileges privileges)
privileges.Claims.Add(new("UserID", request.UserId));
privileges.Permissions.AddRange(new UserPermissions().AllCodes());
private async Task<bool> TokenIsValid(string userId, string refreshToken)
var result = await _dbContext.Tokens
.Where(t => t.Token == refreshToken && t.Id == userId)
return result is not null;
private async Task StoreToken(string userId, DateTime refreshExpiry, string refreshToken)
var token = _dbContext.Tokens.Where(t => t.Id == userId).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
await _dbContext.Tokens.AddAsync(new RefreshToken{ExpiryDate = refreshExpiry, Token = refreshToken, Id = userId});
await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
I want to use the CreateToken function from the RefreshTokenService provider by FastEndpoints. IN the last part where I want to create a token as response it's telling me
The type 'Authentication.Api.Services.Authentication.UserTokenService' must be convertible to 'FastEndpoints.IRefreshTokenService<Authentication.Api.Contracts.Responses.UserResponse>' in order to use it as parameter 'TService' in the generic method 'Task FastEndpoints.Endpoint<TRequest,TResponse>.CreateTokenWith(string, Action)'
public class LoginEndpoint : Endpoint<LoginRequest, UserResponse>
private readonly IAuthService _authService;
private readonly IUserService _userService;
public LoginEndpoint(IAuthService authService, IUserService userService)
_authService = authService;
_userService = userService;
public override async Task HandleAsync(LoginRequest req, CancellationToken ct)
var user = await _userService.GetByEmailAsync(req.Email);
var hasMatchingPassword = _authService.IsMatchingPassword(user.Salt,req.Password, user.Password);
if (!hasMatchingPassword)
await SendNotFoundAsync(ct);
var result = user.ToUserResponse();
Response = await CreateTokenWith<UserTokenService>("userID", p =>
p.Claims.Add(new("UserID", "userID"));
How do I make my implementation of the RefreshTokenService use the base function to create the token?
i believe your problem stems from the fact that the second generic argument (type of the response dto) doesn't match between your endpoint class and the token service class:
the response dto type must be the same to be able to call
method.if your initial login response is drastically different from the refresh token response shape, upgrade to the latest beta version
and create a custom token within your login endpoint like this: