I use babel plugin to transform sass imports into string with Angular2 in order to inline styles right into component code during gulp build. I need to also use autoprefixer, but I wasn't able to make solutions I found working, basically, here is the part of code that renders sass to css:
var css = sass.renderSync({
'data': scss,
'outputStyle': 'compressed',
'includePaths': [dir]
I tried to find autoprefixer plugin working with strings and tried transforming result of renderSync
to stream and using plugins for streams, but no luck. I don't want to use a workaround writing css to temp file and autoprefixing from there, so maybe there is some solution that I could miss?
is apostcss
plugin. That means you have to use it withpostcss
JavaScript API works by creating a processor that uses the specified plugins. You then pass the CSS string to.process()
. This returns a Promise that gives you access to the result CSS.Output: