I'm trying to add something like UIPopoverController into the barPlot with coreplot 1.5.1 and swift. Like this one Core Plot: How to present popover from a bar selected by the user
So we need to know the point where the selected bar is ,But looks like some functions are different, like plotAreaViewPointForPlotPoint. In 1.5.1, there are two parameters:
And I'm try to find the right way to use it but failed, here is my code:
func barPlot(plot: CPTBarPlot!, barWasSelectedAtRecordIndex idx: UInt, withEvent event: UIEvent!) {
// Remove all the annotations
// Setup a style for the annotation
let hitAnnotationTextStyle = CPTMutableTextStyle.textStyle() as! CPTMutableTextStyle
hitAnnotationTextStyle.color = CPTColor.whiteColor()
hitAnnotationTextStyle.fontSize = 12.0;
hitAnnotationTextStyle.fontName = FONT_HEITI;
// Determine point of symbol in plot coordinates
let anchorPoint = [Int(idx),0]
// Add annotation
// First make a string for the y value
let string = "\(idx),values is:\(mArray.objectAtIndex(Int(idx)))"
// Now add the annotation to the plot area
let textLayer = CPTTextLayer(text: string, style: hitAnnotationTextStyle)
// popview, DxPopover is something like UIPopover Controller in iPhone
var popView = DXPopover()
annotationLabel.text = string
var pointers = [NSDecimal](count: 2, repeatedValue: CPTDecimalFromUnsignedInteger(0))
pointers[0] = CPTDecimalFromUnsignedInteger(idx)
var plotPointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSDecimal> = UnsafeMutablePointer<NSDecimal>.alloc(pointers.count)
var popPoint = graphView.hostedGraph.defaultPlotSpace.plotAreaViewPointForPlotPoint(plotPointer, numberOfCoordinates: idx)
popView.showAtPoint(popPoint, popoverPostion: DXPopoverPosition.Down, withContentView: self.annotationView, inView: graphView)
// selectedBarAnnotation = CPTPlotSpaceAnnotation(plotSpace: graphView.hostedGraph.defaultPlotSpace, anchorPlotPoint: anchorPoint)
// selectedBarAnnotation!.contentLayer = textLayer
// selectedBarAnnotation!.displacement = CGPointMake(0.0, -15.0)
// graphView.hostedGraph.plotAreaFrame.plotArea.addAnnotation(selectedBarAnnotation)
And it will crush at this line:
var popPoint = graphView.hostedGraph.defaultPlotSpace.plotAreaViewPointForPlotPoint(plotPointer, numberOfCoordinates: idx)
Thanks very much!
I change my codes to this, and can get the right point, Thanks to @Bannings
var popView = DXPopover()
annotationLabel.text = string
var pointers = [NSDecimal](count: 2, repeatedValue: CPTDecimalFromUnsignedInteger(0))
let plotXvalue = self.numberForPlot(plot, field: UInt(CPTScatterPlotFieldX.value), recordIndex: idx)
pointers[0] = CPTDecimalFromFloat(plotXvalue.floatValue)
let plotspace = graphView.hostedGraph.defaultPlotSpace
var popPoint = plotspace.plotAreaViewPointForPlotPoint(&pointers, numberOfCoordinates: plotspace.numberOfCoordinates)
popView.showAtPoint(popPoint, popoverPostion: DXPopoverPosition.Down, withContentView: self.annotationView, inView: graphView)
Try this: