Upload to test.pypi.org fails with "503: Service Unavailable"

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When I try to upload a wheel to test.pypi.org, it fails with "503: Service Unavailable". This is the command that I am trying to run:

python -m twine upload --verbose --repository test open_source_risk_engine-

Below is the output. It gives me a link to twitter.com but that web site does not exist. It also refers me to https://status.python.org but that page indicates that all services are running. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

INFO     Using configuration from C:\Users\username\.pypirc
Uploading distributions to https://test.pypi.org/legacy/
INFO     open_source_risk_engine- (20.8 MB)
INFO     username set from config file
INFO     password set from config file
INFO     username: __token__
INFO     password: <hidden>
Uploading open_source_risk_engine-
100% ---------------------------------------- 21.8/21.8 MB • 00:17 • 1.4 MB/s
WARNING  Received "503: Service Unavailable"
         Package upload appears to have failed. Retry 1 of 5.
Uploading open_source_risk_engine-
100% ---------------------------------------- 21.8/21.8 MB • 00:17 • 1.4 MB/s
WARNING  Received "503: Service Unavailable"
         Package upload appears to have failed. Retry 2 of 5.
Uploading open_source_risk_engine-
100% ---------------------------------------- 21.8/21.8 MB • 00:17 • 1.4 MB/s
WARNING  Received "503: Service Unavailable"
         Package upload appears to have failed. Retry 3 of 5.
Uploading open_source_risk_engine-
100% ---------------------------------------- 21.8/21.8 MB • 00:17 • 1.4 MB/s
WARNING  Received "503: Service Unavailable"
         Package upload appears to have failed. Retry 4 of 5.
Uploading open_source_risk_engine-
100% ---------------------------------------- 21.8/21.8 MB • 00:17 • 1.4 MB/s
WARNING  Received "503: Service Unavailable"
         Package upload appears to have failed. Retry 5 of 5.
INFO     Response from https://test.pypi.org/legacy/:
         503 Service Unavailable
INFO     <!DOCTYPE html>
         <html lang="en">
             <meta charset="utf-8">
             <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
             <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

             <meta name="defaultLanguage" content="en">
             <meta name="availableLanguages" content="en">

             <title>Service Unavailable (503)</title>

             <meta name="description" content="The Python Package Index (PyPI) is a repository of software for the
         Python programming language.">

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             <div class="viewport-section">
               <div class="viewport-section__content">
                 <img alt="PyPI logo"
                 <h1 class="viewport-section__heading">Sorry, something went wrong</h1>

                 <div class="viewport-section__text">
                   <p>PyPI is down for maintenance or is having an outage.</p>
                     This is affecting several of our services, including our web interface.</br>
                     If you are trying to install a package, you should be able to <strong>pip install</strong>
         packages without problem.

                   <ul class="unstyled">
                     <li><a href="https://status.python.org/">Check our status page</a>, or</li>
                     <li><a href="https://twitter.com/PythonStatus">View Python Status on Twitter</a></li>


                       Rely on PyPI to get your job done?</br>
                       Consider <a href="https://github.com/pypa/warehouse">contributing</a> or <a
         href="https://psfmember.org/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=13">donating</a> to help us build a more
         stable and secure platform.

ERROR    HTTPError: 503 Service Unavailable from https://test.pypi.org/legacy/
         Service Unavailable

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