Upload multiple aar 's to Nexus using jenkins - gradle release

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I need to upload multiple aar's generated from a multi module project. My project structure as follows.

Project Root
  |--Main app

Each sub module generates aar files that I need to upload the release version of all aars to Nexus However I do not want apks to be uploaded to Nexus.I am passing all the nexus url and cred from jenkins.

Here is my root build.gradle

release {
failOnCommitNeeded = false
failOnPublishNeeded = true
failOnSnapshotDependencies = true
failOnUnversionedFiles = false
failOnUpdateNeeded = true
revertOnFail = true
preCommitText = ''
preTagCommitMessage = '[Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit: '
tagCommitMessage = '[Gradle Release Plugin] - creating tag: '
newVersionCommitMessage = '[Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '
tagTemplate = '$version'
versionPropertyFile = './gradle.properties'
versionProperties = []
buildTasks = ['uploadAllArchives']
scmAdapters = [
git {
    requireBranch = ''

 task ("uploadAllArchives") {
    println 'uploadAllArchives'
    subprojects.each { subProject->
        if(!subProject.name.contains('app') && !rootProject)


apply plugin: 'maven'

 uploadArchives {
       repositories {
        mavenDeployer {
            repository(url: (project.hasProperty('repoUrl') ? repoUrl 
               : sonatypeRepo)) {
                authentication(userName: sonatypeUsername, password: 
                pom.groupId = sonatypeGroupID
                pom.artifactId = project.name
                pom.version = version


Sub-Modules build.gradle:

apply from: '../publish-build.gradle'

gradle clean build uploadArchives This successfully uploads my all snapshot aars to Nexus.

gradle release - It successfully do the release but not upload anything to Nexus However the build is successful.

Could you please help me what I am missing?


There are 2 answers

larsgrefer On

You can't use the normal maven plugin with android projects. You have to use this one: https://github.com/dcendents/android-maven-gradle-plugin

Also your uploadAllArchives task is redundant, just run gradle uploadArchives from the root project.

Hillkorn On

you can get that by adding

afterReleaseBuild.dependsOn project.getSubprojects().collect({it.getTasks().getByName("uploadArchives")})

That will do it if you want to upload it for all subProjects but if your root project also produces an artifact you have to replace getSubprojects() with getAllprojects()