In the 3.x versions of graphql-yoga fileuploads use the scalar type File for queries, but apollo-upload-client uses Upload, so how can I make it work with those frameworks?
Upload file with apollo-upload-client and graphql-yoga 3.x
492 views Asked by Martin Cup At
There are 2 answers

This is off topic, but you can make a simpler solution by just sending a File. You need to remove apollo-upload-client from the list. Also on the backend. Pure file upload example.
scalar File
extend type Mutation {
profileImageUpload(file: File!): String!
profileImageUpload: async (_, { file }: { file: File }) => {
const _file = await file.arrayBuffer()
if (_file) {
const image = sharp(_file)
const metadata = await image.metadata()
console.log(metadata, 'metadata')
try {
const image = await sharp(_file).resize(600, 600).webp().toBuffer()
fs.writeFileSync('test.webp', image)
console.log(image, 'image')
catch (error) {
return 'a'
The easy answer is, that it just works by using Upload instead of File in the query.