Upload file with apollo-upload-client and graphql-yoga 3.x

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In the 3.x versions of graphql-yoga fileuploads use the scalar type File for queries, but apollo-upload-client uses Upload, so how can I make it work with those frameworks?


There are 2 answers

Martin Cup On

The easy answer is, that it just works by using Upload instead of File in the query.

productdevbook On

This is off topic, but you can make a simpler solution by just sending a File. You need to remove apollo-upload-client from the list. Also on the backend. Pure file upload example.


scalar File

extend type Mutation {
  profileImageUpload(file: File!): String!


 profileImageUpload: async (_, { file }: { file: File }) => {
      const _file = await file.arrayBuffer()

      if (_file) {
        const image = sharp(_file)
        const metadata = await image.metadata()
        console.log(metadata, 'metadata')
        try {
          const image = await sharp(_file).resize(600, 600).webp().toBuffer()
          fs.writeFileSync('test.webp', image)
          console.log(image, 'image')
        catch (error) {

      return 'a'