Upload data folder file to spiff of esp8266

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I'm trying to upload an Arduino file and its associated data folder to an esp8266 using Arduino-cli, but I'm having trouble uploading the contents of the data folder to the esp8266   SPIFF memory.

I am not able to find a way to solve this problem. Can anyone suggest a way to solve this problem?

I am able to upload Arduino file and data folder to spiff using Arduino IDE. But using CLI i am not able to find way how can i achieve this?


There are 1 answers

user21443440 On
  • Create a /data folder.
  • ESP-01 FS: 64k.
  • Replace COM10.
mkspiffs.exe -c data/ -p 256 -b 4096 -s 65536 out.spiffs
esptool.exe -cd nodemcu -cb 115200 -cp COM10 -ca 0xeb000 -cf out.spiffs