I have this code that uploads data
public async Task<int> UploadAllDeposit()
tableSettings settings = App.ViewModelMaintenance.Setting;
var q = from tableDeposit deposit in salesDB.Deposit
where deposit.IsSync == false
select deposit;
int stat = 0;
if (q.Count() > 0)
using (var client = new HttpClient())
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(App.ServiceURL);
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
foreach (var item in q)
HttpResponseMessage depositResponse = await client.GetAsync("api/DepositSlip?DepositDate="
+ item.DepositDate
+ "&SalesDate=" + item.SalesDate
+ "&MoneyCount=" + item.MoneyCount
+ "&CompanyCode=" + item.DistributorCode
+ "&UserCode=" + item.UserCode
+ "&DeviceCode=" + item.DeviceCode
+ "&RecordIdentity=" + item.RecordIdentity);
if (depositResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
int invStat = await depositResponse.Content.ReadAsAsync<int>();
if (invStat > 0)
tableDeposit updateDeposit = salesDB.Deposit.Single(x => x.DepositID == item.DepositID);
//updateDeposit.IsSync = true;
updateDeposit.SyncDate = DateTime.Now;
return 3;
return 2;
stat = 1;
return stat;
What I want to do is to add image to this data to be uploaded.
I already have the byte array of the image. How can i upload it?
Can anyone please help me i dont know where to start.
Thank you!
If you want to upload(POST) an image why you're using client.GetAsync method (GET). You need a POST method in order to upload something to the server.
You can use MultipartFormDataContent class and HttpClient.PostAsync method.
Your code will looks something like this: