Since we do not have any updates available via EPEL repo, what would be a clean approach to upgrade node to 0.12.x from 0.10 on RHEL 5
You could use the n package to upgrade the node version by using these commands (from David Walsh's blog - Upgrade Node.js via NPM) to first install the package:
sudo npm cache clean -f sudo npm install -g n
which you can then upgrade the node version as follows:
Type n to prompt selection of an installed node. Use the up / down arrow to navigate, and press enter or the right arrow to select, or ^C to cancel:
sudo n 0.11.16 ο 0.12.0 0.12.1
Use or install the latest official release:
sudo n latest
Use or install the stable official release:
sudo n stable
Switch to the previous version you were using:
sudo n prev
You could use the
package to upgrade the node version by using these commands (from David Walsh's blog - Upgrade Node.js via NPM) to first install the package:which you can then upgrade the node version as follows: