We have a react-boilerplate setup, which uses ImmutableJS, Jest and Enzyme as part of its framework.
We have come across an issue when testing reducer using ImmutableJS's updateIn().
The page works OK, but we are unable to test it, as in reducer test, the immutable updater function receives immutable object, but we are expecting a plain JS object to operate with.
const targetSectionId = action.sectionId;
return state.updateIn(['allSections'], (allSections) =>
allSections.map((section) => {
// section is wrapped in immutable when testing
// on regular execution, section.get() will fail
// as it is plain javascript object
const updatedSection = Object.assign({}, section);
const sectionIdMatched = updatedSection.sectionId === targetSectionId;
if (sectionIdMatched) {
// on tests, does not get here
// on regular execution, we get here
updatedSection.commonSectionNames = action.commonSections;
return updatedSection;
return updatedSection;
it('should handle the action correctly', () => {
// arrange
const sectionId = 15;
const valueToSet = ['fixture'];
const initialState = fromJS({
allSections: [{ sectionId: 15, commonSectionNames: [] }]
const expectedState = fromJS({
allSections: [{ sectionId: 15, commonSectionNames: valueToSet }]
// act
const result = reducer(initialState, action(sectionId, valueToSet));
// assert
Any advise with this is appreciated.
That is just the way it is. immutable updater function will receive immutable object. If you need plainJS object, use toJS() like this: