Updating Clojure version for swank/slime

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I just updated from Clojure 1.2 to clojure 1.3.0 on Windows 7 and emacs is still going to Clojure 1.2 with swank/slime.

Any suggestions where to change this so it uses 1.3?


There are 2 answers

Tassilo Horn On

lein deps will fetch the clojure version you've declared in the :dependencies of your project.clj, and lein swank will start a swank server using that clojure version.

BTW: From inside emacs, I think it's more convenient to simply use M-x clojure-jack-in from a buffer associated with some file in your project. That'll also start swank for you.

Arthur Ulfeldt On

use leiningen to start the swank server and it should get to to the correct version.

you also may need to re run lein deps after changing the version number if you are already using lein