All the literature and implementations I've found of Aho-Corasick are about building the entire trie beforehand from a set of phrases. However, I'm interested in ways to work with it as a mutable data structure, where it can handle occasional adds and removes without needing to rebuild the whole trie (imagine there are 1 million entries in it). It's OK if the worst case is awful, as long as the average case is close to logarithmic.
From how I figure it, the fail state for each node is another node that uses the same symbol. So if we have a hash multimap from each symbol to the list of nodes which use that symbol, we have our candidates whose fail states need updating.
Remove is straightforward. You find all other nodes which use the deleted node as a fail state and recompute their fail state. Go from the end of the string backwards, and the tree should still be in good shape.
Add is a bit trickier. Any node that failed to that symbol could have the new node as a better candidate. However, again it seems to be enough to traverse every other node with that symbol and fully recompute its fail state.
In other words, if we're adding or removing a node with symbol "A", we need to visit every other "A" node anywhere in the trie, and recompute the fail state (look for its closest ancestor with "A" as a child, or the root). This would require visiting every node for symbol "A", but in my case, that would be several orders of magnitude less than visiting every node in the trie.
Would that algorithm work, or am I missing something obvious?
I went ahead and implemented it and it seems to be working. A somewhat nicer description of the algorithm, including pictures:
For posterity (and per StackOverflow policy), I've copied it here:
Incredibly messy and mostly uncommented code, but if you're curious, here's the header, the body, and some tests