Update xml tag in a CLOB column in Oracle

17.1k views Asked by At

I have this xml value in a CLOB column in Oracle 11g:

<Energy xmlns="http://euroconsumers.org/notifications/2009/01/notification">    
    <Name>VAN HALL</Name>

I want to update the value of InserDate for several rows.

I was using next below sql command:

update tmp_tab_noemail_test p1 
set p1.sce_msg = updatexml(xmltype(p1.sce_msg),
                 '//Energy/InsertDate/text()','Not Valid').getClobVal()

But is not working.

Do you have some ideas to modify only the values of the xml tag of InsertDate?

Thanks in advances


There are 1 answers


You have a namespace in your top-level Energy node, so you aren't matching without; the UPDATEXML documentation shows you can optionally supply a namespace string.

So you can do this, using your example data:

create table tmp_tab_noemail_test (sce_msg clob);
insert into tmp_tab_noemail_test values (
'<Energy xmlns="http://euroconsumers.org/notifications/2009/01/notification">    
    <Name>VAN HALL</Name>

update tmp_tab_noemail_test p1 
set p1.sce_msg = updatexml(xmltype(p1.sce_msg),
  '/Energy/InsertDate/text()','Not Valid',

After which you end up with:

select sce_msg from tmp_tab_noemail_test;

<Energy xmlns="http://euroconsumers.org/notifications/2009/01/notification"><Gender>M</Gender><FirstName>MAR</FirstName><Name>VAN HALL</Name><Email/><Telephone>000000000</Telephone><InsertDate>Not Valid</InsertDate></Energy>

Or with slightly less scrolling:

select XMLQuery('//*:InsertDate' passing XMLType(sce_msg) returning content) as insertdate
from tmp_tab_noemail_test;

<InsertDate xmlns="http://euroconsumers.org/notifications/2009/01/notification">Not Valid</InsertDate>

You could also wildcard the update:

update tmp_tab_noemail_test p1 
set p1.sce_msg = updatexml(xmltype(p1.sce_msg),
  '/*:Energy/*:InsertDate/text()','Not Valid').getClobVal();

... but it's probably better to specify the namespace.