Performance problem on update MySql MyISAM big table making column ascending order based on an index on same table
My problem is that the server have only 4 GB memory.
I have to do an update query like this: previous asked question
Mine is this:
set @orderid = 0;
update images im
set im.orderid = (select @orderid := @orderid + 1)
ORDER BY im.hotel_id, im.idImageType;
On im.hotel_id, im.idImageType
I have an ascending index.
On im.orderid
I have an ascending index too.
The table have 21 millions records and is an MyIsam table.
The table is this:
CREATE TABLE `images` (
`photo_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`idImageType` int(11) NOT NULL,
`hotel_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`room_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`url_original` varchar(150) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`url_max300` varchar(150) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`url_square60` varchar(150) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`archive` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`orderid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`photo_id`),
KEY `idImageType` (`idImageType`),
KEY `hotel_id` (`hotel_id`),
KEY `hotel_id_idImageType` (`hotel_id`,`idImageType`),
KEY `archive` (`archive`),
KEY `room_id` (`room_id`),
KEY `orderid` (`orderid`)
The problem is the performance: hang for several minutes!
Server disk go busy too.
My question is: there is a better manner to achieve the same result?
Have I to partition the table or something else to increase the performance?
I cannot modify server hardware but can tuning MySql application db server settings.
best regards
Tanks to every body. Yours answers help me much. I think that now I have found a better solution.
This problem involve in two critical issue:
To go on efficient paginate on large table I have found a solution by make a previous update on the table but doing so I fall in issues on the 51 minute time needed to the updates and consequent my java infrastructure time out (spring-batch step).
Now by yours help, I found two solution to paginate on large table, and one solution to update large table.
To reach this performance the server need memory. I try this solution on develop server using 32 GB memory.
common solution step
To paginate follow a fields tupla like I needed I have make one index:
to achieve the new solution we have to change this index by add the primary key part to the index tail
KEY hotel_id_idImageType (hotel_id,idImageType, primary key fields)
:This is needed to avoid touch table and use only the index file ...
Suppose we want the 10 records after the 19000000 record.
The decimal point is this
in this answerssolution 1
This solution is very practice and not needed the extra field
and you have not to do any update before the pagination:To make the table k on my 21 million table records need only 1,5 sec because it use only the three field in index
so haven't to access to the table file and work only on index file.The order was like the original required (hotel_id, idImageType) because is included in (hotel_id, idImageType, photo_id): same subset...
The join take no time so every first time the paginate is executed on the same page need only 1,5 sec and this is a good time if you have to execute it in a batch one on 3 months.
On production server using 4 GB memory the same query take 3,5 sec.
Partitioning the table do not help to improve performance.
If the server take it in cache the time go down or if you do a jdbc params statment the time go down too (I suppose).
If you have to use it often, it have the advantage that it do not care if the data change.
solution 2
This solution need the extra field
and need to do the orderid update one time by batch import and the data have not to change until the next batch import.Then you can paginate on the table in 0,000 sec.
The table k is fast almost like in the first solution.
This all update take only 150,551 sec much better than 51 minute!!! (150s vs 3060s)
After this update in the batch you can do the paginate by:
or better
this take 0,000sec to execute first time and all other time.
Edit after Rick comment
Solution 3
This solution is to avoid extra fields and offset use. But need too take memory of the last page read like in this solution
This is a fast solution and can work on online server production using only 4GB memory
Suppose you need to read last ten records after 20000000.
There is two scenario to take care:
In this second scenario you have to do a pre query to find the start page:
It give to me:
This take 6,73 sec.
So you can store this values in variable to next use.
Suppose we named
@hot=1309878, @type=4, @photo=43259857
Then you can use it in a second query like this:The first clause
take all records after the actual first field on scrolling index but lost some record. To take it we have to do the OR clause that take on the first index field all remained unread records.This take only 0,10 sec now.
But this query can be optimized (bool distributive):
that become:
that become:
that become:
Are they the same data we can get by the limit?
To quick not exhaustive test do:
This take 6,56 sec and the data is the same that the query above.
So the test is positive.
In this solution you have to spend 6,73 sec only the first time you need to seek on first page to read (but if you need all you haven't).
To real all other page you need only 0,10 sec a very good result.
Thanks to rick to his hint on a solution based on store the last page read.
On solution 1 you haven't any extra field and take 3,5 sec on every page
On solution 2 you have extra field and need a big memory server (32 GB tested) in 150 sec. but then you read the page in 0,000 sec.
On solution 3 you haven't any extra field but have to store last page read pointer and if you do not start reading by the first page you have to spend 6,73 sec for first page. Then you spend only 0,10 sec on all the other pages.
Best regards
Edit 3
solution 3 is exactly that suggested by Rick. Im sorry, in my previous solution 3 I have do a mistake and when I coded the right solution then I have applied some boolean rule like distributive property and so on, and after all I get the same Rich solution! regards