i need to implement a picture in a gallery field inside of a repeater field.
based on the update_sub_field function from acf i use:
update_sub_field( array('flat_repeater', $repeaterRow, 'gallery'), $attachmentId, $postId);
i cant loop through the repeater field so my selector for the update_sub_field function of acf is
array('flat_repeater', $repeaterRow, 'gallery')
'flat_repeater' = the name of the repeaterfield
$repeaterRow = the right row for the repeater where the gallery should be updated
'gallery' = the name of the gallery field
$attachmentId = the id of the image in the media library from wordpress
$postId = the post id where the repeater/gallery field is.
what am i doing wrong, cause it simply doesn't work.
greetings timotheus
i have solved it.
perhaps someone needs it sometimes..
the problem was the variable
i always used the key from the repeater array and that one starts with 0.
but repeater rows start with 1 ...
at leased its solved...
greetings timotheus