I’m trying to extract .nc files from PowerArchiver BZIP in R from many different folders, would anyone be able to help me do this?
I have a code to extract and select the files but when I try and unzip using codes provided in previous stack overflow support (e.g. unzip a .zip file) I can’t find a code that works:
< Warning message: In unzip(zipF, exdir = outDir) :
error 1 in extracting from zip file>
Below is the R code I have to extract the files once out of the Zip files:
File <- dir("I:/Turbidity", include.dirs = FALSE, all.files = FALSE, recursive = TRUE) # to select all files and not the file paths
str(File) #21328 files
FUllList <- NULL
for(r_a_traiter in File){
FileList <- NULL
if(as.character(substr(r_a_traiter, 18,45))== as.character("-EUR-L4-SPIM-ATL-v01-fv01-OI")) ###character path = ‘1998/001/19980101-EUR-L4-SPIM-ATL-v01-fv01-OI.nc’
{ list_fichier_short <-r_a_traiter }
FUllList <- c(FUllList, FileList)