UnSupportedEntityException when trying to create/render records containing slug extension

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I am trying to implement slugs in my bundle, but when i try to create a record and run my message consumer i get the following error:

Unexpected exception occurred during Direct URL generation ["exception" => Oro\Bundle\RedirectBundle\Exception\UnsupportedEntityException { …}] ["processor" => "Oro\Bundle\RedirectBundle\Async\DirectUrlProcessor","message_id" => "oro.6256de2124b630.96491198","message_body" => ["createRedirect" => true,"id" => [3],"class" => "Phpro\OroBundleBlogBundle\Entity\BlogPostCategory"],"message_properties" => ["oro.message_queue.client.topic_name" => "oro.redirect.generate_direct_url.entity","oro.message_queue.client.queue_name" => "oro.default","oro.security.token" => "organizationId=1;userId=1;userClass=Oro\Bundle\UserBundle\Entity\User;roles=ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR"],"message_headers" => ["content_type" => "application/json","message_id" => "oro.6256de2124b630.96491198","timestamp" => "1649860129","priority" => "2"],"elapsed_time" => "34 ms","memory_usage" => "107.57 MB"]

The slugs are stored, but the use of the get_slug_urls_for_prototypes twig filter results in the following error An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template (""). Again because of the UnsupportedEntityException

Am i missing some configuration?


There are 1 answers

Andrey Yatsenko On

As mentioned in the OroCommerce documentation the entity must implement the interface to support slugs. Make sure you fulfilled this requirement.