I'm trying to compile a C program with a icon attached.
I'm following this instructions: How do I add an icon to a mingw-gcc compiled executable?
Both Evan's and Steven's replies.
I'm getting this error 4x:
ico.rc:1: unrecognized escape sequence
when I run:
windres ico.rc -O coff -o ico.res
The working dir is where the executable, source file and 'icon.ico' files are. The icon is just an png converted with
ffmpeg -i icon.png icon.ico
The '.rc' file content is:
id ICON ico.ico
My machine is a Windows 10 32-bits with MINGW, without Microsoft Visual Studio.
How can I compile my program with an icon?
I was searching for the same problem, and found the solution in another site (https://dev-cpp-users.narkive.com/AEWfAsk2/dev-c-problem-with-resource-files), so here I am to share it:
Changing the slashes inside the .rc file was enough for it to work (in cause you also need slashes in the windres command, it can be ). Also, the path inside the .rc file doesn't like accents (eg: áàé).
Edit: I just noticed that the How do I add an icon to a mingw-gcc compiled executable? post says in the example