Unrecognized arguments using generate.py StyleGAN 2 ADA

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I have trained the ffqh1024 model of StyleGAN 2 ADA (link to their repo) with a custom mammograms dataset in Google Colab. My trained model .pkl file is ready on a drive folder and I want to generate images using that .pkl file. I tried:

!python generate.py --outdir='/content/drive/MyDrive/TFM/Generated' --trunc=1 --seeds=85,265,297,849 \ --network='/content/drive/MyDrive/TFM/colab-sg2-ada/stylegan2-ada/results/00025-ddsm-auto1-bg-resumecustom/network-snapshot-000096.pkl'

As recommended on the GitHub, but I get this error:

usage: generate.py [-h] {generate-images,truncation-traversal,generate-latent-walk,generate-neighbors,lerp-video} ... generate.py: error: unrecognized arguments: --outdir='/content/drive/MyDrive/TFM/Generated' --trunc=1 --seeds=85,265,297,849 --network='/content/drive/MyDrive/TFM/colab-sg2-ada/stylegan2-ada/results/00025-ddsm-auto1-bg-resumecustom/network-snapshot-000096.pkl'

Dont really know why generate.py doesnt recognize the arguments... I had to !pip install opensimplex in order to generate.py to run, don't know if it has something to do with the issue...

In the StyleGAN 2 ADA repo, there are examples of image generation with a trained model:

# Generate curated MetFaces images without truncation (Fig.10 left)
python generate.py --outdir=out --trunc=1 --seeds=85,265,297,849 \

And this is the result of doing !python generate.py -h:

usage: generate.py [-h]

Generate images using pretrained network pickle.

positional arguments:
    generate-images     Generate images
                        Generate truncation walk
                        Generate latent walk
    generate-neighbors  Generate random neighbors of a seed
    lerp-video          Generate interpolation video (lerp) between random

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit


  # Generate curated MetFaces images without truncation (Fig.10 left)
  python generate.py --outdir=out --trunc=1 --seeds=85,265,297,849 \

  # Generate uncurated MetFaces images with truncation (Fig.12 upper left)
  python generate.py --outdir=out --trunc=0.7 --seeds=600-605 \

  # Generate class conditional CIFAR-10 images (Fig.17 left, Car)
  python generate.py --outdir=out --trunc=1 --seeds=0-35 --class=1 \

  # Render image from projected latent vector
  python generate.py --outdir=out --dlatents=out/dlatents.npz \

There are 1 answers

Gass On

try to remove \ from the command line. I'm not sure it will work