Unreal Engine 4.24: Plugin 'AndroidPermission' failed to load because module 'AndroidPermission' could not found

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I am preparing a project about self-driving vehicles and I will work on the Carla simulator. I am using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and installed Unreal Engine version 4.24. I've done the steps in the Carla document one by one, but when running the UE4Editor, I get the AndroidPermission not found error. Even though I disabled this on the uplugin file of it, still the same problem persists. How can I solve this problem? Please help me.

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There are 2 answers

Marco Cecotti On

You also need to set "EnabledByDefault": false on /Engine/Plugins/Online/Android/OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay/OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay.uplugin because the plugin OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay requires AndroidPermission.

cfanatic On

Are you trying to run the Unreal Editor? Or are you calling make launch to start CARLA?

In the first case, set "EnabledByDefault": false and "Installed": true in /Engine/Plugins/Runtime/AndroidPermission/AndroidPermission.uplugin. I assume that the Installed attribute is set to False on your end.

In the second case, try to start CARLA in Visual Studio Code by selecting the launch configuration CarlaUE4Editor(Development). For this you need to open the workspace inside /Unreal/CarlaUE4/CarlaUE4.code-workspace.

Debug tab in Visual Studio Code