Unpack jar into a folder with same name as the file

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I am using maven-antrun-plugin to unpack a jar file into a folder. This jar file is generated in every build and has a variant TIMESTAMP (as seen in the following snippet). How can I unpack the jar file into folder that has the same name as the jar file? E.g. Folder should be /sample_TIMESTAMP and not /folder

                    <echo message="unpack jar file" />
                    <unzip dest="/folder">
                        <fileset dir="/folder">
                            <include name="sample_TIMESTAMP.jar" />

There are 1 answers


To unzip into a new directory, first create the directory with <mkdir> and then change the dest of <unzip> to sample_TIMESTAMP:

<mkdir dir="/sample_TIMESTAMP"/>
<unzip dest="/sample_TIMESTAMP">
    <fileset dir="/folder">
        <include name="sample_TIMESTAMP.jar" />

You can use <pathconvert> to create a property with the name of the JAR file:

<fileset id="my-jar-file" dir="/folder">
    <include name="sample_*.jar"/>
<pathconvert property="my-jar-file-name">
        <globmapper from="*.jar" to="*"/>
        <fileset refid="my-jar-file"/>
<mkdir dir="/${my-jar-file-name}"/>
<unzip dest="/${my-jar-file-name}">
    <fileset refid="my-jar-file"/>

If the my-jar-file <fileset> could match multiple JAR files, use <restrict> to limit the matching to a single file.