I have a table that has 30 columns and it keeps growing. I cannot break it into multiple tables as it causes some visualization issues on Tableau. So the solution I was looking at was to create a new table. The old looks like
id | name | city| country| metric1 | metric2|.....|metric30
1 | dgshfsshd| Bost |United Stats|sjdhsjdsjdhjs|gdshduadjd|.......|hdhsjfhsjfsjf
2 | jsghfghfg| gert |United Stats|sjdhsjdsjdhjs|gdshduadjd|.......|hdhsjfhsjfsjf
The new table format should be something like not sure if it will work (I'm open to new ideas as well)
id | name | city| country | metric name | metric value
1 |dgfdhh| sjdh|sghshdjd|metric1|sjdsjhfsfhsjfhsjf
2 |jagdha| qewt|shgshfgs|metric2|hfjshfjhsjfshjsfh
Let me know if you have any more questions. I am using postgres
You can unnest an array of those columns and use
with ordinality
to get the index of the column in the array