If sqlite3_open_v2 is commentted, it gives an error: unknown function C.sqlite3
which is strange, why should the prototype affect db :=C.sqlite3(0)
But if it is commented then I get a bad parameter or other API misuse.
What am I doing wrong?
import sqlite
//fn C.sqlite3_open_v2(charptr, &&C.sqlite3, int, charptr) int
struct C.sqlite3_stmt { }
fn main(){
db := &C.sqlite3(0)
stm := &C.sqlite3_stmt(0)
db_path := ':memory:'
query := 'select 1'
C.sqlite3_open(db_path.str, &db)
err := C.sqlite3_prepare_v2(&db, query.str, -1, &stm, C.NULL)
if err != C.SQLITE_OK {
You're importing
without really using it. In thesqlite
module, there are wrapper functions to do what you want. This is how you would do it: