I am going with the Entity Framework code first approach and am finding that queries to grab just 350 records or so is taking about 8 seconds. How can I speed this up? Is this Universe or Entity Framework that is being slow?
Entity Framework 5.0 U2.Data.Client 1.2.1 .Net Framework 4.5.1
RAMContext looks something like this :
public class RAMContext : DbContext
public RAMContext() { }
public DbSet<Policy> Policies { get; set; }
Here is the code to grab the entities :
List<Policy> policies = null;
using (RAMContext context = new RAMContext())
policies = (from p in context.Policies
where p.AGENT_NO == id
select p).ToList();
Here is the connection string :
<add name="RAMContext" connectionString="Database=<account>;UserID=<userid>;Password=<pwd>;Server=<server>;Pooling=false;ServerType=universe;ConnectTimeout=360;SleepAfterClose=300;PersistSecurityInfo=true" providerName="U2.Data.Client" />
AGENT_NO is indexed and the same query ran directly on the DB from TCL finishes almost instantly.
EDITED After the comments from Rajan I tried the following :
policies = (from p in context.Policies
where p.AGENT_NO == id
select new PolicyModel
//Type = PolicyModel.Types)StringValue.GetEnumValueByStringValue(typeof(PolicyModel.Types), p.TYPE),
Insured = p.INSURED,
City = p.CITY,
State = p.STATE,
CancelDate = p.CANC_DT
//IsNew = PickHelper.PickYNNullToBool(p.NEW_RENEW_FLG)
I am able to make this select in under 3 seconds now, it appears. I also rebuilt the index on AGENT_NO and I believe that helped considerably.
Trying your second suggestion I get the following exception :
An exception of type 'System.IndexOutOfRangeException' occurred in U2.Data.Client.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information:
Invalid index -1 for this U2ParameterCollection with Count=0.
Could you please try the following code? This code does not use Entity Framework (LINQ to Entity). We want to see how UniVerse is behaving without Entity Framework.
You need to do the following: