Universal links: how to go back programmatically?

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I have a first iOS native app (let's say the "caller app") that opens a second one (let's say "callee app") with an URL of the form https://calleeapp.com (Universal Link). I want the user to perform some task in the "callee app", and when finished then I want to go back automatically to the "caller app" providing the result of such task (URL would be then something similar to https://callerapp.com/check?result=xxxx).

What should be the best/appropriate way to handle this?


There are 1 answers

gadu On

We'll, you'd need to be able to have code on both the callee and caller app then to do this. (Unless a third party app implements some sort of API for callback URLS).

On the caller app though you'd want to look at the following AppDelegate method:

func application(_ application: UIApplication, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity, restorationHandler: @escaping ([Any]?) -> Void) -> Bool {
    // if it opened the app from some link
    if userActivity.activityType == NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb {
        // the query will give you "result=xxxx"
        if let query = userActivity.webpageURL?.query {
             // code that pulls out the result from the string you get back

You also have to actually support the universal link by making sure that your AppName.entitlements has the an Associated Domains key with one of the values being applinks:callerapp.com so that the caller app knows it can open urls in that scheme. (And vice versa on the callee app if you're also implementing that)